If you have any other questions you’d like us to answer that aren’t already covered, please feel free to contact us.
What Is The Cost Of A New Website?
A website is quoted based on each individual project. With every website being unique with different functionality required. To obtain a clear view of your online business goals we will ask a few questions and assess your business needs. The majority of our websites we have developed are in the R5,000 – R25,000+
Visit Our Create a Quote Page To Get a Tailored Price.
Do You Offer a Payment Plan?
Yes, we split the total amount into three monthly payments. The first payment is taken as a deposit.
I Already Have A Website, Can I Change It!
We will develop the new website and keep your current website live until final viewing and approval from you then will replace the old with the new.
Website Content & Copy
The imagery including your logo & wording (copy) for the website is supplied by you as you are the expert on your business and have the relevant information at hand.
We have a blog post explaining all the steps and what you will need to move forward with your project with little to no hassle.
Will The Website Be 100% Mobile Responsive?
Absolutely! Having a mobile-responsive website is more important than ever! We work hard to ensure your website looks great on a variety of devices.
What Is The Expected Turn Around Time?
On average, we shoot for two to three weeks turnaround, but the pace of any project is set by each client. How much input you can provide during the initial stages, your availability with feedback, how soon the content is ready – all this affects the speed of completion.
The functionality needs may also play a role – more complex sites will take more time to develop.
Do I Need To Be Local?
Your location is not a problem, In the age of the internet, all information can be easily sent via email or file transfer services.
Can I Update The Website?
Yes, most definitely. You will be able to edit all the copy on the website.
Do You Offer Domain Name & Hosting?
We do indeed offer secure website hosting and domain name registration at a very competitive rate.